We've spent some time looking at who survivors are and what kinds of problems tend to flow from childhood sexual abuse experiences. We've discussed why group work is so important in the healing process, and how survivor's groups can be most effectively formed and facilitated. The exercises, meditations and rituals presented here are designed to evoke hidden emotions and awarenesses. Processes such as these provide a safe container in which new realizations can be held and protected. Because we are not looking at the abuse head-on, rigid mental structures are bypassed; the emotion of fear is less likely to overshadow the positive benefits of exploring and healing one's past.
We've spent some time getting to know the parts of us that are still pure, strong and whole. We've discovered ways to call on the many sources of support that exist in the universe for everyone's benefit. By the end of your group's work together, you will perhaps find that you have a new "family," and have experienced the joy of shared work, support, healing and love. It is hoped you will find that exploring the painful events of your past need not be a horrible experience but an adventure.
It is my intention that the ideas presented here will inspire you to create your own processes, keeping yourself and your own unique group in mind. Sometimes the best exercises are the ones that arise spontaneously in response to a particular issue you or your group wants to work on. If you or the group is heading in a direction not covered in these pages, sleep on it or meditate on it; the perfect process will probably present itself to you. Trust your own creative energy and use the process; you'll see for yourself how you, too, can be a healer, bringing light, love and warmth into the shadows. Blessed Be!
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