Samurai Champloo Fanart
by bigbigtruck

A presence on the web due to her Cowboy Bebop site, Somewhere Down the Crazy River, I'm so happy she's into Champloo now. Her website CHAMPLOO*ISM is worth a visit.

Ever lusted to see Jin with a five o'clock shadow a la Musings IV? Yummy!

And Captain Nunes...oh my! Yes, she's drawn him, and what a hunk of a man he is!

And one of the Captain and Mugen. *squeeeee*

And another of Captain Nunes in living color! *faints dead away*

A hot drawing of post-Wanderings Jin and Mugen. Horray!

A sweet sketch from the bath scene in Homecoming V. *sniff*

Jin and Mugen a la Business as Usual. Mrowr!

A great piece of the BaU gang playing strip poker.

And another hunk of BaU hotness...ModernMugen. *pants*